Meet the No.1 business thinker in the world. He blew my mind.

It's no wonder Gary Hamel is ranked the #1 most influential business thinker in the world by the Wall Street Journal with quotes like these:

"The world is becoming turbulent faster than most organizations are becoming resilient."

"When an organization misses the future, it's not because it was unknown–it was because it's unpalatable."

"The longer you're down in the trenches, the easier it is to mistake the edge of your rut for the horizon."

The Global Leadership Summit from Willow Creek never fails to provoke my thinking and senses. But I'm going to have to come back and hear Gary again. He was just THAT good.

1 comment

  1. The people who led the last revolution / move of God are usually the people who most fiercely resist the next one…it’s all about the wineskins – if you ain’t being renewed, you are going to be unfit to hold the new wine which comes at least annually. In a business sense, I believe every new thing has a 3 year lifecycle, with 3 distinct phases: 1st yr create the buzz; 2nd year gain critical mass; 3rd year go mainstream and see competitors arrive. Church movements are fairly similar – but there are still churches doing bus ministry long after the hand of God has moved on. So if you were at the vanguard of God’s last great move in your church, are you ready and flexible enough for the next? Or are you hunkering down to protect your patch…because therein lies the story of your church’s future life and survival…

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