Is your church here? It should be.
I know, I know. The headline was kinda a sucker headline. But I'm learning how to write creative headlines at the moment.
An (un)official Australian Church web directory
It's not a top 100 movers & shakers list, or a top 100 rich list, or a top 10 web apps list. It's just a list. Not a definitive list by any means. Just a reference point if you are looking for church websites in Australia.
Is your church In Australia? Drop in a comment and add your url to the list. Or pass onto a friend so they can add their church url!
Christian City Church Oxford Falls
Christian City Church Whitehorse
Northside Christian Church (Soon to be Nexus Church)
BTW…about 70% of our growth, which has been considerable for a church our size, has come through our website
Hi Mark,
Wow! Would love to know…
How you know… and what are the implications for you now?
Is your traffic churched or unchurched?
St Mark’s.