Were you responsible for the birth of my virtual baby?
After 1 years hard slog – and multiple alts I'm proud to announce the birth of Crossway 2.0
Weighing in a healthy 12 months, Crossway 2.0 is doing fine.
Dad is smoking a big fat cigar with his feet up on the desk – passing around cigars to anyone who is even passing his goldfish bowl of an office.
Thanks to many people for assisting in the conception, pregancy and delivery of Crossway 2.0.
Roll credits…
Dave P, (Web guru & 'grease mechanic')
Dunc Mok, (Architect)
Mike G, (For being my boss and sitting through multiple alts)
Neil N, (Network guru)
Martin K, (designarati)
Ellie K, (designarati)
Pete B, (Video guru)
Lee Insko and the team @Details Communications… thxs for your patience.
And for all of you others who have shaped and influenced my thinking out there in the blogosphere.
Kem, Shawn, Tim, Dawn, Team Digarati, CMsucks. I've never met you, but you've done so much!
From a proud dad.
no link???
Thaat’s nice.