Rebranding Christianity – Could you?
Some Australian ad agencies through Marie Claire Magazine have come up and attempted to rebrand Christianity.
Check out the slide show of creative work. Or watch the TV video. Very interesting conversation.
The Editor of Marie Claire thinks one of the creative responses works, what do you think?
You can also check out the Bible Society's in Australia attempt to rebrand Jesus here through a website, outdoor and TV ads. Steve has four reasons why is disapointed with the result. He got a deluge of responses to what he thought.
What do you think? Can Christiantity or Jesus be rebranded?
Thanks to Bobby Chandler for supplying the link.
Great Post! Jesus IS His own brand. There is no other!
Firstly… I lurve the “Got Faith?” concept. A simple, basic leading question with some kick-butt images. And just think about the range of images that you could use (how about a XXXL backside on a barstool, or a parent getting in a L-plate car?)
And could you get an easier web address? The site could begin to get people thinking more deeply about what they have faith in.
Now as for the JAAL campaign. I hate to say it but I think the problem is the J word. Over the centuries we’ve got many bad examples as to how we’ve introduced people to Jesus (think crusades, witch hunts etc, or modern examples of comments made by some church leaders in relation to the ’09 Vicrotian “Black Saturday” bush fires and the recent Haiti earthquake).
We (as Christians) all know that Jesus is the answer, the problem is Joe & Jane Public have no idea what the question is. That God-shaped hole that we’ve heard preached about at various youth rallys, they don’t know there’s even a hole (let alone it’s shape.
The “Got Faith?” concept treats the public with respect (1. use of language, 2. everyone has faith in something, which the images illustrate) and is (I believe) a good starting point for getting people thinking deeper.