20 Ways Your Church Can Read the Bible Online In 2010 (For Free)
YouVersion.com just launched more than 20 free Bible reading plans which are not only available on their website but also all mobile platforms as well. The plans are customisable – you can make them shorter or longer. You can track where you are by checking off each day's reading. Your online and mobile accounts automatically sync your plan and your progress.
The new reading plans from YouVersion.com are an impressive example of how a large church can resource the whole world. They have had over 1 million users of their Mobile App already. And it's free.
Hats off to Lifechurch.tv for the great job they are doing.
What's more you can read almost any translation of the Bible in English and it is also available in many other languages.
Most strategically for churches around the world – you can create a group for your church and select a plan that is associated with your churches group so everyone can follow the same plan. Brilliant. And from an admin point of view – very easy to maintain. They also have plans to build a support system so people can opt in for accountability emails to a friend.
The folks at Lifechurch.tv are very smart. They know what the #1 Communication Opportunity will be in 2010. Will you be there?
** Update you can download The Message and New Living Translation on your phone for FREE (NLT free for a limited time).