Is Your Communications Strategy Still Relevant? Quick Poll
As the pace of change increases year on year I have wondered whether a Church Communications Strategy/Plan that operates for several years is relevant or appropiate.
Is a floating/updatable plan more appropiate to keep in step with the pace of technological, social and environmental change?
Your thoughts?
Quick poll
Does your church have a Communications Strategy in place?
What kind of budgets do you have? If any.
How do you staff around it?
What are your key communication opportunities?
What are the key communication channels?
As churches change faster than ever before, is it even relevant for your church?
Any other thoughts? Share your knowledge and wisdom with others and post your comments/thoughts below.
Does your church have a Communications Strategy in place?
> Working on it
What kind of budgets do you have? If any.
> if any is the operative phrase
How do you staff around it?
> Other ministry staff pitching in to lead, one worker on 0.2fte doing nuts and bolts stuff
What are your key communication opportunities?
> Community has great demographic and very few options (church and otherwise), good links into the community, great programs on offer so utilising current communication channels used by people in everyday life (email, facebook, sms, word of mouth, etc…)
What are the key communication channels?
> Church monthly mag, weekly video news, website, postcards etc…, little bit of sms and facebook and word of mouth
As churches change faster than ever before, is it even relevant for your church?
> Working to make the strategy relevant
Any other thoughts? Share your knowledge and wisdom with others and post your comments/thoughts below.
> obey Steve’s ten commandments and get passionate and interested about communications and how it applies to your church!