Provocative Advertising That Works (Could Your Church Do It?)

Client: The British Outdoor Advertising Organisation

Problem: 15% decline in sales of outdoor advertising revenue in UK. Perception of outdoor as a passive medium.

Solution: Demonstrate effectiveness of outdoor advertising to be able to drive people online, by erm, well. Advertising outdoor.

Creative: Provocative, edgy, opinionated campaign with a headline that will make many wince a bit. But what it did do was prove the effectiveness of outdoor by driving many readers online to their website

Watch the video and let me know what you think.

Could churches do an edgy campaign well?

Have you seen any?

My thoughts on a brief:

Problem: Decline in church attendance. Perception of church being dull, boring, full of old people who have purple hair. Create an ad campaign that will drive people online to a funky website that will redefine Church without using the headine "Church has changed"

You can see one example of Re-branding the "C" word here.

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