Three Killer Church Marketing Ideas (Which Won’t Cost One Cent)

Want three killer church marketing ideas which won't cost you one cent?

Here you go:

Idea #1 Equip your church to invite their friends to church on Facebook
a) Start a Facebook fan page.
b) Invite your church to join the fan page.
c) Set up an event on your fan page to a service. (If you have sermon branding or an promo of video you can link even better)
d) Invite the fans to the event and tell them how to share the invite with the friends by hitting the share button.

Here is a great example.

Idea #2 Create an online e-vite to church on your church website
a) Sign up for woofoo forms.
b) Link your latest sermon series branding to the e-vite on your church website.
c) Ensure the e-vite has time of service, directions to church.
c) Tell your church about how they can invite their friends to church.

Here is a great example.

Idea #3 Your people.
a) Preach your invitation opportunities. Lean into your church culture to promote action.
b) Sharing stories of people who were invited to church.
c) Repeat (a)

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