Outstanding Free Sermon Series Resources
I'm a busy guy. I work in a busy church. A large church by Australian standards. I live for creating unforgettable sermon series branding/videos that connects.
Sometimes though even I need help.
Sometimes the best creative solution has already been created.
Sometimes I just don't have the budget or human resources to make it happen.
Thank goodness for Kingdom minded churches who give away their resources.
This blog post is a big shout out to those churches.
Give it up for the free sermon series resources from:
In a world that is precious about rights, copyright, I.P., trademarks, they just give it away.
Do you of any churches that just give it all away? Drop a comment below.
There are lots of churches that give away their resources, but I’ll give you a couple off the top of my head.
NewSpring Church:
Saddleback Church:
ChurchRelevance.com has a great list of sites with free resources for churches:
Thanks for those Ginger, I’ve already added some of those. The Saddleback resources as far as I can see are paid.
what about marshillchurch.org
Great collection of sermons there.
Sorry, I gave you the wrong link for Saddleback. Lots of Rick Warren’s sermon transcripts are free.
John Ortberg’s sermon transcripts are free too.
Just found your blog. I have some free resources to share.
This is really an outstanding resources. I highly recommend this one.
God bless you for giving an unselfish effort for your church. God’s promises never failed busy guy. God bless you more!