The Church Bulletin Revolution Is Coming

The church bulletin revolution is coming.


Because the youth and young adult population (I can see it at my church already) is checking out of reading printed bulletins. That means, less engagement.

It simply takes more to get through to them.

Imagine seemless integration, consistent look, feel and message across the printed bulletin and video news.

The iPad will change the way church bulletins and weekly video news is created.

I guarantee it.

Maybe not today, nor next month or next year.

But it is coming.

Watch this amazing video. It's about four minutes long and has a very funny ending.

What do you think? Do you see potential or is this just a fizzer?

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  1. Steve. You’re correct. I see more doodling on printed bulletins by Millenials these days than reading. Preaching pastors will play a huge role in the eventual integration of smart phones or hand-held devices within the worship experience. It could happen sooner than later if a few would fully embrace it. If not, as you state, the Millenials will force it to happen.

  2. For anything having to do with announcements, events, news, etc., I can see that adding digital media is important. For the order of worship, song lyrics, prayers, etc. paper is ideal. Cheap, accessible, portable.

  3. Whoa… that’d be pretty cool, BUT there is a big BIG gap between a standard photocopied bulletin and what you could do with digital print on a tablet. There is also a similarly wide gap with a 2min church news video. This would take some pretty huge resourcing to pull off, but I’m sure our communications and media departments wouldn’t complain about getting their hands on a Red camera like Viv use (BTW – That’s Ed Begley Jr on the cover. He doesn’t look so Jr these days)

  4. When I was living in Georgia the church I was a part of didn’t even have a weekly bulletin. We tried for about two weeks but no one cared. Everything was put on screen. Announcements, song lyrics, sermon notes, etc. Our congregation preferred it that way. In the tech end though, I saw many people using smartphones during services, and not because they were bored. I would see people tweeting sermon quotes and even using Bible software instead of bringing “traditional” Bibles. So I could definitely see a revolution coming – maybe not this year, but soon. Imagine – on your iPad you could get announcements and sermon notes streamed via WiFi, tweet your favorite sermon quotes and even do real time responses (like some churches do with texting questions for the end of the sermon).

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