If You Are Through Changing – You Are Through

The pace of change is increasing exponentially. I remember when I used to think about upgrading our computers every three years. Now its every one and a half years. I remember when the only communication channels I had to focus on were TV, Radio, Print, PR or Direct Mail (Ahh those were the days). Now we've got twitter, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, vlogs, iTunes, podcasts, word of mouth marketing. Something newer, faster, better, seems to be launched everyday.

To be honest from what I've seen around the world. Many churches are actually afraid of change. Especially the pace of change within church. They are afraid to change their worship style, decor, coffee (oh no), bible translation (folks, the King James Version isn't the only 'true' translation), communication style, preaching style. 

From a communications perspective this means we need to review our bulletin, video news, websites, social media, writing style, speaking style, whatever you do, review it. Over time the effectiveness of a particular communications piece or channel will diminish ( I've blogged about what your bulletin or website could look like in the near future).

I've heard the line "that's how we've always done it". I inwardly groan when I hear that. Why? Because the value of tradition has become more important than the effectiveness and the urgency of the mission.

Ignore change at your own peril. It is not the biggest and brightest churches that will endure, nor the most smartest, but the churches who are most responsive to change that will endure. 

If you are through changing – you are through.

When I watched this video I had the words 'The Last Church on Earth" echoing through my mind.

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  1. Yeah, there are a lot of parallels between the last ad agency and the church. Many churches still think they can communicate with the people in their community and their own congragations the same as they always have. Probably ignorance and arrogance (or some of both).
    Hey Steve, I’d like to ask you a question and couldn’t find your email address anywhere. Could you send me an email?

  2. The core idea of the last advertising agency and the last church on earth is that their focus from “relevance to others” to “reassurance of themselves.”
    I fundamentally believe that we have the best “product” in heaven and earth. Why do we hesitate to tell others in a relevant way?

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