Church Marketing Myth No. 6

Church Marketing Myth No. 6: If it's hip, it works.

JeffPelletier: One of the most common myth's is cultural relevance is the best way 2 reach unbelievers. IMO, simple/clear truth, packaged well, is just as effective!

MercerOnChurch: myth – "ultra cool, dress down, have rocking music, the unchurched will come". Fact – this attracts Christians not unchurched.

Hayley Neal: Church marketing myths? ummm… things we think we have to do to be hip? etc???

Curtis Simmons: Myths? No need to mimic pop culture to try & draw people in, just preach the Gospel in simple, relevant terms, like Matt Chandler

Rusty Akers: If I think its really, really cool. the un-churched will think that to…

Anthony Ianniciello: That the gospel is not relevant (enough), and that we need to add pop culture to make it relevant

Stefan Hänsch: Myth? only way to attract people 2 church is to (badly) copy whatever is popular in secular culture & try to put a christian spin on it.

Steve Fogg: Myth? Make it hip (for hip's sake) and everyone will want to come. Fact: Being cool for cool sake sucks frankly. However, leverage a people group's culture for the gospel, The Apostle Paul did it throughout Acts. So can we.

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  1. Thanks for the additional thoughts on church marketing. It actually sounds like a bit of a oxymoron. I still have that misconception of everything God related as not needing to be tarnished by something as insignificant as financial solvency. However this is not reality. Churches are just like any other institution when it comes to needing money for operating costs. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. People are attracted to people who know who they are, what they stand for, and where they are going. People are turned off by people that are try hard copy cats. My goal is to use the tools of the day to communicate the unchangeable truths of love and grace – but to infuse the creativity of my own god given gifts into the process. Cool is not a look or a sound or a gimic – it is an attitude, a self belief. People of direction are cool, try hards are not.

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