Can You Brand Faith?

I've been away on holiday and part of my reading has been 'Branding Faith – Why some churches and nonprofits impact culture and others don't' by Phil Cooke (Actually, its a re-read. This book is THAT good – It's been a long time since I've re-read a book on communications).

It's a brilliant book. Whether your goal is to share a message of faith, raise money for charity, build an inner-city outreach or give your audience hope, this book will give you some incredible insights and tools to help you communicate your message.

I think it is so good that I'm putting my money where my big Australian mouth is. I'm giving away a copy of the book.

Complete these three simple steps and it could be yours:

1) Retweet this message or post it to your facebook page: ' I want 2 win Branding Faith by @philcooke via @stevefogg u can 2

2) Leave a comment below including your Twitter handle or Facebook link so I contact you if you are the winner.

I'll be announcing the winner on Saturday 26th June 2010 on this post (EST Australia Time)

For the rest of you, you can buy the book here or here. It's brilliant. Don't miss it.

PS. I'm stumping up the dough for this. There is no behind the scenes marketing going on. It's just a great book.

** UPDATE** Drumroll please. Congratulations to @rfbryant for winning the book. For the rest of you. Buy it like I did. you won't regret it!

On Monday I have another book giveaway. One of the best communications books of 2009.

Related posts
10 Church Branding Myths
Does God Need A Rebrand?
3 Slick Rebranding Tips For Churches From BP

:: Follow me on Twitter, come and say G'day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you'll have to do the leg work on that one).


  1. I heard and met Phil at a conference at Prestonwood in Dallas. His talk was highly informative and this book taught me a great deal about the idea of branding. In particular, Phil reveals that there’s a lot more to a brand than a logo. So true!

  2. love it……i plan on giving it to my pastor as well as reading myself. Lonesome Dove is a 164 year old church in the middle of trying to Re-Brand image

  3. I must admit that I am not familiar with Phil Cooke’s work, but am always looking for new sources of ideas and creativity. Count me in on the give-away.

  4. I’m seriously the one in need of winning this! All new at this communications gig — learning as much as I can from those who’ve gone before me!
    AND I’m having surgery Thursday and will be at home for four weeks!

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