Do You Ever Wonder Why People Aren’t Getting your Message?


If you are like me sometimes people don't seem to always understand what I'm trying to say. I'm a quiet kind of guy. Sometimes I mumble. Sometimes I ramble on and complicate what should be a simple answer or explanation in a conversation.

Many churches are like me in the way they communicate. They mumble. They ramble. They communicate ideas in a complex way when in fact the ideas can be communicated very simply .

Sound familar? Is this your church, or a church you know?

If you are like me and need help with your church communications like I strongly recommend Less Clutter. Less Noise by Kem Meyer. Kem's book will equip you with simple strategies for getting the word out. It is helping me on my journey to cut through the clutter and noise of people's lives and communicate with increased simplicity and clarity. Her ultimate goal is to help people take their next step towards Jesus. Pretty cool huh?

I heard ahead of time that it was pretty good so I brought two copies, one to read and one to give to other staff to read so we could be more aligned in our thinking.

Just like last week's book giveaway, I think it is so good that I'm putting my money where my big Australian mouth is. I'm giving away a copy of the book.

Complete these two simple steps and it could be yours:

1) Retweet this message or post it to your Facebook page: ' I'd love 2win a copy of Less Clutter Less Noise by @kemmeyer via @stevefogg

2) Leave a comment below including your Twitter handle or Facebook link so I can contact you if you are the winner. It would be great to hear from you on how it could help you in what you do. 

I'll be announcing the winner on Saturday 3rd July 2010 on this post (EST Australia Time)

For the rest of you, you can buy the book here. It's brilliant. Don't miss it.

PS. I'm stumping up the dough for this. There is no behind the scenes marketing going on. It's just a great book.

*****The winner of the book giveaway is: @PaulSteinbrueck Paul was picked by *******

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:: Follow me on Twitter, come and say G'day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you'll have to do the leg work on that one).


  1. Sounds like it will be a great read. Need to clarify my thinking and communications to be ready for a new season 🙂
    Twitter @checkers

  2. Looks like a great read. We should always be looking for ways to better our Kingdom communications – here’s to clear messages about THE Message! Bless u Steve. Jennichacko (Twitter)

  3. i’ve been a fan of kem’s for years. her tweets and blog are full of practical stuff and a lot of laughs … which are needed in ministry. i would love to read her book!

  4. I’ve been wanting to read this, especially as our church goes through a big transition and rethinks how we communicate internally and to the community. Thanks, Steve!

  5. I’m the office administrator at our church charged with the task of developing our communications from almost scratch. This book might well be the place to start. Cheers Steve, you can view my post and re-tweet at and @johnalchin.

  6. News that’s good deserves to be shared, and well-received. Kem always has some great take-aways to reach audiences. Great giveaway idea. @steve_marr

  7. Sounds like a great read. As a graphic designer, I play a role in church communications and I want to help ensure that we communicate exactly how and what we want to say.

  8. Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoy Kem’s posts and her book looks quite interesting. I’d love to read it! @JilSherman

  9. Steve,
    I’ve been tracking with Kem on her blog and twitter account for a couple months. I found your site from hers today!
    So excited to find another voice in the “clear & simple” way. I added you to my RSS feeder and look forward to your posts.
    I start working for my home church on August 2nd as the Connection Pastor – connecting visitors to our Brentwood family. This book would be an amazing help.
    Thanks so much!
    @Kevin1Mahan (&

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