The Best Job In The World

Yes I believe I have the best job in the world. Really. I do. In fact coming to work everyday as the Communication’s peep for my church just doesn’t feel like work. It feels like my job is just what I’m meant to do during the day.

But I digress.

This post is sooo relevant for all of us serving at churches. One issue we all have in common is budget constraints. Often we let the budget limit our creative development and communications strategy rather than letting it unleash and develop the idea in an innovative way.

I love what this ad agency did. They had a very tight budget (from a global perspective). They chose an innovative and original way to communicate it. Which in turn unleashed incredible results. It has been called one of the top 50 PR stunts ever.

How about you? Do you have budget restraints? Have these restraints helped or hinder your creative development or communications strategy?

What innovative creative development and communications have you seen other churches do?

(Footnote: I hate it when I accidently post an article before I get around to finishing it. Some of you may of received the incomplete RSS article which really doesnt make any sense what so ever – apologies for that!)

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