21 Tips and Rules Anyone Starting Out In Church Communications Should Know

1. You are not alone. There is some brilliant people and organisations out there like the Centre For Church Communications to support you. Let them know you are there!

2. I’m not sure if this is a rule or a tip but read Less Clutter Less Noise by Kem Meyer and Branding Faith by Phil Cooke.

3. Social media can be your friend, but you can get it wrong if you’ve never done it before. Here are 9 tips I wish I knew before I started using social media at my church.

4. Find out who is ahead of you on the communications curve and read. Subscribe to their blogs. I do. Here is a really useful list of all of the major blogs.

5. Get advice from those outside your world. I did. Darren Rowse (No.1 ranked pro-blogger in the world) has some excellent advice for churches about using social media.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If I can help you in any way I will. Drop me a comment below.

7. Find out about how PR can be a force for good for your church, without you feeling like a you have to sell your soul and become a spin doctor.

8. If rules hinder your communications – break them.

9. There are alot of myths out there about church marketing that people think will work, that in reality suck. Here is a great summary of the different church marketing myths.

10. Avoid embarrassment. Trust me I’ve been there. Get someone to proof read every piece of work you do.

11. I suck at writing and need help. Here are 8 tips to help you not sucking at writing from a writing guru who serves in a large church.

12. Being socially wired doesn’t have to cost the earth. You can set up a custom Facebook landing page for free.

13. Just because some guy says he know’s how to use Photoshop and InDesign they aren’t the one to do your design work. Think about using people who lead with their strengths in the creative world.

14. My philosophy. Apply the KISS principle (Keep it simple stupid). Clear and simple communications will win every time.

15. Learn the subtle art of how to say no to bad ideas in a really nice way.

16. Discover how some of the biggest churches in the world mobilise their congregations in the use of social media

17. Do your research before you start anything. A wise advertising guru once said “People who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.”

18. At some point you’ll have to help raise money to support your churches vision. Learn from what others have done in communicationing the vision.

19. You don’t have to pay for everything, there are some outstanding free resources available online

20. There are some formal coaching network that can help you. Kem Meyer has an excellent network, find out more here.

21. By the time you get here you may of thought that you’ve figured alot of it out and have the experience. You don’t. You never will. Go back to the beginning and start again. I do every day. I’m always learning. Always listening. Always reading. If you don’t do anything else on this list get this concept.

What tips would you give to someone starting out in the communications world? Drop a comment below.

Follow me on Twitter, come and say G’day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you’ll have to do the leg work on that one).


  1. Some good ideas. But follow your own advice (#10) and get a proofreader, because it looks like #11 is true, and you never want that to reflect on your church.

  2. Steve, killer post – very helpful information for all us Comm folks within the non-profit/church world. Appreciate your efforts to help the Church shine in this age of technology and connect with the people God loves. Blessings

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