13 Social Media Campaigns & What Churches Can Learn From Them
I love seeing how companies use social media to drive new and existing business to them. I've a advocate that churches can do exactly the same (obviously for different kinds of results). In Australia Facebook is the new market place where people meet (Twitter is lagging behind). I been blogging a bit about Facebook recently because of this. A week or so ago I blogged about 10 best practice tips for churches using Facebook (from the best of the best).
The goal in all of these campaigns is to foster interaction with the brand through an offer of some kind. Which eventually leads to a sale, or to a lesser extent an increase in brand awareness. I especially like the Nandos campaign. Here are the 13 social media campaigns.
Churches and many high profile Pastors can learn from these campaigns. Social media communication is about interaction, not transmission. The high street is now a two way communication street. If someone:
- Comments or asks you a question on your Facebook page - interact.
- Follows your church or your Pastor on Twitter - follow them back.
- Asks you a question on Twitter - respond.
It shows that you are just as interested in them as they are you. Oh, and actually BE interested. Authenticity rocks in social media.
What social media tips do you have for others? We an all learn from each other! Get commenting below.
Follow me on Twitter, come and say G'day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you'll have to do the leg work on that one).
Hey Steve, thanks for bringing the 13 social media campaigns article to our attention. I literally laughed out loud at the Burger King you’ve been “sacrificed for a Whopper” campaign. But honestly, I’m having a hard time applying anything from those campaigns to church communications.
Do you see any specific applications other than the general principles of listening and engaging with people?
Hey Paul, Thanks for the comment!
I can think of many uses. I think a big one for me is how churches can also creatively use social media…. for example:
– like the restaurant mobile van company in say a sermon series about prayer, you can do a geo location search on twitter and ask how you can pray for those surrounding your church.
I not saying that we need to replicate the marketing angle, but the creative ideas allow us to think different about how we can engage.