The Leadership Code: 6 Rules To Lead By

I've written what I believe are two really significant posts recently, last week I wrote about how to build or start a volunteer team and the second post is this one you are reading right now.

Why are they significant?

Because I believe both posts are essential for any leader who wants to lead, grow and develop a team of highly creative and motivated volunteers (If you use the principles I use to build my team you will definitely build your team).

But it's not enough just to know how to grow or start a team alone, you have have to know how to lead them. I recently subscribed to the Harvard Business Review Podcast and my leadership learning curve has been extreme. It's been like climbing up Mount Everest and pushing on through the death zone.

One podcast has stood out to me from many, which was an interview with Dave Ulrich, co-founder of the RBL group. He did masses of research and spoke to the top 15 thought leaders that have done 2 million leadership 360 reviews between them.

He asked them – what is it that effective leaders have to know and do? No matter what company, industry, geography, or level. What percent of leadership is essentially the same set of stuff? Here is what he found. I think his insights are equally applicable for anyone leading a church communications team, or any other team for that matter. I added no. 6 as I have a personal conviction that as a leader in the church you need to have this quality to survive.

You have to be:

1) A strategist who has a position about the future.

2) You have to an executor who gets things done.

3) A talent manager who manages and engages people.

4) A human capital developer who looks to the future and develops the future people.

5) Personal proficiency. Or know how to take care of yourself.

6) Sure of your call from God (My addition).

What rules do you live by? What leadership rules would you add to this list? (You can listen to the podcast here)

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