How To Quickly Create Custom Facebook Landing Tabs For Your Church
A couple of months ago I wrote a post about how to create a custom landing Facebook page for your church. I honestly was blown away by the massive interest in it. To this day it's one of the highest traffic pages on my blog. Which is kind of surprising because I normally focus and write about the strategy rather than write about how to do it.
Yesterday I read this post from Social Media Examiner which shares how you can create your own custom landing tabs for whatever organisation you represent.
The first comment stood out to me was:
'Using a custom tab increases conversions by 100% or more in almost every case'
Seond comment that stood out was:
'Custom landing tabs are inexpensive and easy to create'
My thought is:
What church wouldn't want better conversion rate which is easy and cheap to create?
While I'm on the social media topic I recently found some other cool stuff like 10 best practice tips for churches using Facebook and 13 social media campaigns and what churches can learn from them. I also learnt heaps from this short video from Darren Rowse (Problogger) when he recently spoke to a church conference about social media. The muppets video about social media which is a complete giggle as well as poignant is also well worth a look. Here are 9 tips I wish I knew about social media before I started using it for my church. If you want to know how Saddleback trains it's congregation to use social media check this out.
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