21 Ways Your Church Can Leverage Social Media

Found this great post from the Social Media Examiner. I've amended the list (slightly) specifically for churches. I had never heard of number 21 and I'm chasing it down to see how I can leverage it for my church.

21 Ways Your Church Can Leverage Social Media

1. Use a blog to tell your story.

2. Make your stories are shareable.

3. Make it easy to subscribe to your stories.

4. Use video to tell your story.

5. Create a Facebook page for your church.

6. Get into the Facebook news feed.

7. Post photos or videos, and "tag" volunteers.

8. Create a Facebook group for your church.

9. Use Facebook ads to raise awareness.

10. Use Facebook Events and LinkedIn Events to spread the word. I've never used LinkedIn for church. I'm going to check this out.

11. Use Foursquare, Gowalla or Facebook Places to promote your events.

12. Go local with Twitter's advances search. I love this idea, especially for Christmas.

13. Start conversations around hashtags.

14. Ask for a retweet.

15. Create a banner that your church congregation can add to their avatars.

16. Use Eventbrite to handle registration and money collection.

17. Find potential board members on LinkedIn. Interesting idea!

18. Improve conversations and collaboration with a wiki.

19. Use Slideshare to put your presentations online. You could you put up sermon note slides online?

20. Get more out of your photos with Flickr for Good. Your church could be eligible for a free pro account. I never knew that. Cool. I'm going to have a look at that.

21. Use Google Grants to drive traffic to your website, blog and other social media presences. (It's like advertising without spending any money)

Question: Have you used any of the above tools and how effective have you found them?

Want more Social Media tips? Follow me on Twitter, come and say G'day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you'll have to do the leg work on that one).




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