Stop Marketing. Start Engaging.

When will we learn that marketing doesn’t work.

When will we learn that church’s can’t just market (In fact it has never been about marketing).

When will we learn that at the core of Christianity it always been about engaging first, communicating second.

Somehow we get it the wrong way around, we market first, engage second.

When will we learn that the gospel is all about engagement?

By the way, check out Unmarketing’s blog. Brilliant insights.

Related posts
Church Marketing Myth No. 2
Church Marketing Myth No. 3
Church Marketing Myth No. 4
Church Marketing Myth No. 5
Church Marketing Everything

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  1. Exactly what the Leadership Network study says (recap published in Outreach mag). Working right now to help our ministry leaders understand that more newsletter articles or slick brochures will not engage people. It’s about relationships and we need to be asking ourselves, who am I discipling? Who am I pouring into?

  2. Hey John,
    the kind of engagement I’m writing about is real life on life stuff, not churches organising events and promoting them. I’m writing about Christians (the church) as Debi says pouring their lives into people. Often churches expect people will respond because ppl have heard a radio or tv ad without their members getting out there and actually themselves engaging.

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