Church and Google+

I’ve been away on a six week holiday and in that time Google had the audacity to release a new social media product without telling me.They obviously made a mistake and didn’t realise I was on holiday.

I feel like I’m late to the ball game on this one and while I’ve signed up yesterday, I’m yet to figure out IF it will be a useful social media tool for my church. I feel like I’ve well and truely got my L plates on.

I need your help. Do you think Google+ can help churches?(I’ve found Mashable’s complete guide to google+)

Drop a comment below share your opinion about how google+ can help churches communicate.



  1. If church leaders want to send a direct message to their congregation, they can by creating a church contacts circle. At present it doesn’t look like you can have corporate pages or groups like on Facebook (will only allow personal accounts) so until that is available the jury is out on benefits for churches.

  2. Firstly, I think it’s a little arrogant to place the blame for missing the launch of Google+, by six-weeks, on Google. I find it hard to believe that someone as (digitally) connected as you missed the last six-months of rumours and drip-fed leaks.
    As to your question, I’d refer you to Mitch Joel’s cautionary words… “strategy before tactics” ( Rather than jumping in asking what we can use Google+ for, mightn’t it be prudent to first ask what you want to achieve?
    The tool should always follow the goal, not the other way around. Yes, Google+ is another tool in your church communications toolkit. But, you only ever reach for the toolbox once you have a goal in mind.

  3. Martin,
    I place all the blame squarely at google’s door. I mean haven’t they heard of email or snail mail!… failing that they could of called I’m sure they got my number, I know they have a picture of my house.
    On a serious note, I totally agree about strategy before tactics… I’m just asking the question of what people have found or not as I’ve been out of the loop.

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