Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication

Outspoken book
When I started this blogging journey a year or so ago, I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would of contributing to a book about church communications. Today is launch day for Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication.

The book was Tim Schraeder’s idea and he has done a marvelous job along with many others pitching in to help edit and write contributions.

The church has the greatest story ever told: The message of the gospel. Unfortunately, most churches aren’t doing a great job of communicating it. Buy it here at Amazon for your leaders. It is a priceless leadership resource and available for Kindle or print.

Psssttt If you look REAAAALLLY hard in the picture at the top you can see yours truly in a where’s wally 😉

I’m GIVING ONE COPY away. Here’s how you can win

1) Retweet this message or post it to your Facebook wall: It’s @Stevefogg is giving an @outspokenbook away on his blog http://bit.ly/qKlCtW

2) Leave a comment below on how it will help you. Include your Twitter handle or Facebook link, email address so I can contact you if you are the winner. (It would be great to hear from you on how it could help you in what you do. But not essential)

***************** CONGRATULATIONS Karen Davis*****************

Your name was picked by the http://www.random.org/


  1. This will help me because as a communicator, I may have the ability to speak words, but when it comes to speaking the Gospel, I don’t want to fall short.
    And I retweeted. So hope I have a shot at winning. Thanks!

  2. I’m hoping to start a little communication team/ministry at my church and have been so happy to find you as a local resource Steve! Now an actual book! Good work on the contribution & thanks muchly for sharing your experience + knowledge.
    xo brenda

  3. This book would help me with what I do communicating online about Church and resources as well as help me with sharing with my home church about why they need online communication. Looks like a great book!
    (Becky Beery, @tijuanabecky)

  4. I’m a volunteer (i actually assist the team leader) in my (youth) church’s media team. Our responsibilities include all internal & external communication. We’re a young (literally) and growing (in size & experience) team and this book will be a very helpful resource to achieve our immediate objectives while remaining focused on the core theme of preaching the good news.

  5. I am incredibly passionate about how the church relays the message of the Gospel. I am always looking for new, creative ways to present this delicate and life changing message that we have. I am a fairly young guy that has been involved in leadership at numerous churches, assisting in ministry development, community engagement & communications type roles. I get so excited talking about church communications & what we can do different/better. In addition, I LOVE church plants. I had recently been involved in one for the past 5 years & am looking to get involved in more & even head one up in the next 5 to 10 years. I love helping churches do what they do, but do it BETTER. We can’t forget that the way we present this Message is important. I would love to have this book. I feel that it will be an incredibly useful resource as I continue my quest in helping churches communicate their message in the most extraordinary way possible.

  6. I think my church can do a better communicating our vision and mission and other important information to the congregation clearly and consistenly. I’d love for our staff and leaders to read it and use the information to help us do that in an effective way. Thanks for sharing your insight on the book.

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