Revealing Church & Technology Info-graphic
Below is an interesting info-graphic about the use of technology in church.
You can read the full article here from Tyndale. From a communications and marketing point of view I think the insight on the top 4 reasons for using technology are jaw dropping. If the mission of the church is to have a primary focus outside the four walls of the church then number 4 will need to become the number 1 reason.
Odd that I have to discover Canadian research via an Aussie…
I agree, church leaders desperately need to be educated on why they really need to use technology – it is for reaching people…not for us!
Thanks Steve!
LOL David! I’m imagining sitting on your porch right now looking over the view with the best drink Canada has to offer.
We really must do that one day.
Glad I could pass this on to you!
Hi Steve,
It’s good to get a snapshot of how technology is being used in the church at what I will call, the congregational interface. What I found odd about the infographic was the use of double-negatives in some instances. That said, that church has, and should continue to embrace technologies at hand that help further it’s reach. First the printing press, then radio, now the mobile internet. What I’m looking for now is an augmented-reality app for my iPhone that will identify non-believers so I can share my love of tech, I mean, my love of Jesus with them