Stunning Research About What Australians Think Of Christian Faith

I love research. Why? Because I think out of good research comes increased understanding and an increased ability to connect with your primary target audience. That is why I particularly like the research about ‘what Australians think of Christian faith’ commissioned by Olive Tree Media and conducted by Mccrindle research.

Some of you may be asking, why is this on my blog? Well, I work at a church as the Communications Manager and I communicate with the broader community regularly. It’s my job to understand who I’m communicating too. Here are just four of the many brilliant insights from Mccrindle’s research:

1. Seeing public figures and celebrities declaring their faith is a turn-off for many Australians. Many question motives behind their statements. It is a belief blocker rather than creating a sense of openness to matters of faith. Ring any bells?

2. People’s stories, seeing first hand people who live out a genuine faith, philosophical discussion were all somewhat attractive to approximately 50% of people who were non-christian and open to Christianity.

3. The tone of communication must not be in the slightest authoritative or even straight line. Australian’s feel that they need to have free agency to come to their own conclusions.

4. Australians most preferred method on gathering information about religion or spirituality was through an information rich website. This was closely followed by TV programs on free to air television. Small group discussion was the least well-received method of communication.

There is so much more quality research in this report. I could tell you about, but to honour the investment by Olive Tree Media buy the full report here, it’s only $20. (If you are a church leader or communicator in my humble opinion you would be foolish not to)

How would these insights impact the way you communicate?

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  1. Thanks Steve for alerting us to this interesting research. the big question now is who will develop a highly interactive web site and market it to non-Christians?

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