Get Schmart Conference: Scott Stratten
Engagement 2.0 Unmarketing
Scott is a part time mountie, stand up comic, owner of a man card and is Canadian. He says that he also walks polar bears before lunch. Oh and he’s written a book endorsed, well, by himself.
- Marketing is about not trying to market.
- Social media is the most honest and raw kind of feedback you will ever get.
- To be great at customer service you only have to be average because everyone sucks. We just have to suck less.
- Journalists today are the people.
- Nobody cares about your brochures if your product already sucks.
- If you want to change the bottom line. Improve the front line.
- Your customer opinion of you defines your brand. You don’t. Your staff drive your brand.
- Increase your sales by increasing the quality of people that work for you. You can teach people skills, but not attitude.
- You can’t ignore what you hate.
- Understand social gaming and how to build community.
- You can hate social media, but don’t ignore it.
- You don’t have to be everywhere (on social media), just be in the right place.
- QR codes: Not what we can do, but what we should use.
- Social media success doesn’t exist. It just amplies who you are. If you suck, you suck harder. If you fly, you fly higher.
- Top visited social networking sites ranked by total Source: Experian Hitwise
- Understand who your market is and where they are. Then go there.
- How do you make your make your content shareable. When you have someone to say.
- Respect peoples inboxes. You respect people by giving them awesome content.
- Your business is built on relationships. The more people feel that they know you and like you the better.
- Twitter is a conversation, not a dictation. Are you there, but not there? Talk with people not at people.
- 30% of people have got not a reply from a brand. 95% brands donon Facebook. Would you answer the phone only 30% of the time?
- Nothing good comes out of your mobile phone after 10pm.
- 1,000 tweets to build your reputation. 1 to loose it.
- Outrage doesn’t’ take a day off.
- Your front line can kill your bottom line.
- When it hits the fan, dono’t hide behind it. You can have the opportunity to around for the better.
- Social media isn’t marketing. It’s communication.
- Nobody will buy from you if they don’t feel like you care for them (engage on social media!)
Read more sessions:
Jeffrey Hayzlett Session 1, Shivant Gupta Session 2, Billy Tucker Session 3, Rob Belgiovane Session 4
I have yet to read Scott’s book, but it’s on my list of books I need to read. I follow him on Twitter and love his thoughts on marketing/branding.