Video: Introducing The Crossway App
We recently launched our Crossway App for the iPhone, iPad and Android phone. The downloads are off the charts.
Here is the ad my video team created to promote the App at Crossway church.
Here are some tips I shared on what you need to think about before you create your own App for your church.
Crossway App Ad | Download The App
Hey Steve, I only just noticed, but the reflection on the (renderings of) the iPhone and Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S) don’t match (also the splash screens are different). The iPad (or is it a generic Android tablet?) doesn’t seem to have any reflection.
Kind of thing I notice after I’ve seen it three or four times, and now I won’t be able to un-see it and it will distract me 🙁
Nice app Steve. What do Subsplash charge for an app?
Prices vary. Contact Matt Repucci at Subsplas and he can help
For those with WordPress sites, WPTouch has a different opportunity that allows you to create a great mobile experience, WITHOUT having to redesign your entire website.
I used it on my church site and am very pleased.
Hi Bruce, I’d agree that WPtouch is a good solution that will keep some church sites going for a while, the broad consensus is that the richer experience that Responsive provides will prevail in the longer term.
I used WP Touch on this blog before Standard Theme became responsive and now its baked in so I never have to worry about plug-ins again.