8 Takeaways From 2012 Christian Media Australia Conference (& Notes)

I’ve spent the later part of this week at the 2012 Christian Media Australia Conference. It’s been a really great time meeting people and learning from others in other areas of the creative and communication arts. I also got an opportunity to speak about finding your brand voice which was pretty cool. Here are some my top takeaways for me from the conference:

1. “Bad culture devours good strategy.” Tim McDermott

2. “Speak where people are listening. Often the church is speaking where people are ceasing to listen.” Paul Nevison, Hillsong Church

3. “Ecstatic. Tears. Fear. Love = fuel to ignite the creative process.” Jeff Crabtree

4. The new marketing funnel – engagement strategy: Consider > Evaluate > Buy > Enjoy > Advocate > Bond > Loyalty  – Richenda Vermeulen

5. “Your brand is defined by what people say, not what you say.” Tim Schraeder

6. “The things that we believe in should be at the core of our brand voice.” Me. Biased? Not. 🙂 Check out edited highlights of my talk: finding your brand voice

7. “Your social channel is competing with content from people’s friends, pictures and comments” – Richenda Vermeulen

8. “You have to create a culture where the idea and the value of the person isn’t equated. It’s about what is the best idea.” Jeff Crabtree

Download my 2012 Christian Media Australia Conference notes here.

If you were at the conference what was your highlight? Comment below.



  1. Hi Steve – some good insights there and in your notes. Is audio of any of the talks available?

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