Why Social Media Is The Digital Campfire Of Today
Have you ever been camping and sat around the campfire? There is nothing like it. Singing. Conversation. Connection. Fun. The sense of community. Not to mention the crackle and warm glow of the fire and the food and drinks consumed. Memories are made. Friendships are built on times like this.
Social media is fast becoming the digital campfire of today. Whatever platform you are on – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, it doesn’t matter.
Social media platforms increasingly are the places where we share stories of our lives, our hopes, dreams, the banality, the ordinariness of our lives – and everything in between. Some of us overshare. Some of us are lurkers checking out what others are doing, commenting infrequently.
While some distrust social media, research shows that the vast majority of the population is adopting it in one way or another. People are now even have the confidence to purchase through social media.
The fundamental question we all have to ask ourselves is this. Are we prepared to be where the people are, or do we expect people to relate on our terms?
For me personally, many churches, non-profits and large brands this is a no brainer. Being on social media is a must. It should be a central part of your marketing and communications strategy.
But for some of you, you have yet to be convinced. Some of you distrust social media or think it is the root of all evil, like rock and roll was thought to be in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Well, sorry to break it to you. It isn’t. In fact if that is your point of view, then the only way to affect change is to be a part of it. Be there, have an opinion.
If you are a church, non-profit or business what better way to find out what people really think of you than actually opening up another channel? Social media is a great way to understand how your brand is really perceived.
I recently shared how you can increase your influence on Facebook. I still working in this tactic and seeing even more fruitfulness as of time of writing. It’s well worth a read.
What’s your opinion about social media? Do you agree or disagree? I’d especially love to hear from you if you serve at a church or non-profit. Drop a comment below.