12 Great Examples Of Church Website Design For Easter


Easter is a very special time of year for Christians like myself. I’m also filled with awe as I look online and see what other churches around the world are creating on their websites to promote their Easter services. Some churches have special productions, others have the services you would expect at Easter. I’m always blown away by the strategy, creativity and work that communication peeps, designers, videographers put into crafting a great web experience and his year is no different.

Contrasted against Christmas services, in terms of programming, many churches don’t actually hold special services outside of Good Friday and Easter Sunday so there weren’t as many examples that I could find of themed pages. A newcomer to this list I particularly like is Mission Community Church’s splash page. In terms of graphic design, my personal favourite is James River Assembly. Wild, free and unexpected.

I’d love to hear from you, so as you review and enjoy the design of these church websites. Please drop a comment below and share this post with your tribe.

Crossway Church

(My teams first attempt at a splash page)


Fellowship Churchfellowship

Hillsong London


James River Assembly


Liquid Church


Mars Hill Church Seattle


Mission Community Church


NewSpring Church


Saddleback Church


Seacoast Church


Willow Creek Community Church



Woodlands Church


These are just a few out of the many examples of web design work that churches have done for Easter. Have you seen an website you like? Or you may have been part of the team that created one. Drop a comment or a link below and share the love!



  1. Beautiful examples! Thanks so much for sharing, Steve!

    Our team created a nice Easter look that flows throughout our communications. Take a look: http://www.hpumc.org/easter/

    We’re also really excited about a new series of spoken word videos created specifically for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. So far, we’ve shown the first one with great feedback. You can find it here: http://vimeo.com/62624099

    Love your blog – great insight!

  2. Some of the designs already are gone! I do not think there is anything revolutionary here, but this collection is a great 12 pieces of inspiration for web designers for churches. Thanks for sharing.

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