3 Reasons Why I’m Going To The 2013 Christian Media Australia Conference


I really enjoyed speaking at the 2012 Christian Media Australia Conference. So much so, that I’m going again this year. And I’m paying the full swag for it. Here are some of the reasons I can’t wait to be there in a few weeks time!

1. Meet people outside my box

I live in the church bubble and it is always good once in a while to get out of the bubble and into the big wide world. I especially like meeting new people and hearing their stories. If you are going to this years conference come and say hi and tell me your story.

2. Wide variety of world-class speakers

Conferences live and die on the quality of their speakers and this year the CMA conference has something for everyone – Phil and Kathleen Cooke, Darren Rowse, Mark Sayers, Mark Scott, Brian Houston to name a few. I have no idea what to expect, but what I know is that I love Phil’s books, read Darren’s blog almost every other day, and have the greatest respect for Hillsong Church and Brian Houston. Can’t. Wait.

3. Duh, it’s on the Gold Coast

I’m going to enjoy the feel of the sun on my back as I run.  The sound of the ocean. Hipster hotel. Wi-Fi.

(Here are my top 8 take aways from last year’s conference (and no, it wasn’t chinese) and what I spoke about last year).

Oh and if you are going you may hear from me in one of the breakout sessions. Watch this space! If you haven’t booked yet. You can find out more here.

Comment below if you are coming and want to connect.



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