6 Reasons Why Your Church Needs A Social Media Calendar [with a free template]


Managing the social media for my church has been the most real-time and interactive communications channel I have ever worked in. It’s brilliant. It’s fun. However, in the busyness of the day-to-day it is easy to forget about what is being posted on any of our social media platforms. Especially if there is more than one person involved with your social media management like there is with our own social media presence. That is where a social media content calendar can come in very handy. Here are 6 reasons you should start using a calendar:

1. You will increase the amplification of your message

There is nothing like getting the alignment of message across all of your communications channels. Planning helps you do this in the right places at the right times which can assist in amplifying your message.

2. Your content will be even more shareable

Good quality content takes time to create. The more time you can give your copywriters, designers, photographers, marketing strategists the better the result. The better the creative result means that more social sharing so that your message will spread further.

3. You’ll become more strategic rather than reactive

In the busy life of a church it is easy to be reactive to what is in front of you. Using a calendar will help you be strategic rather than reactive in your content creation. It will help you say no as well as yes to requests for promoting of events.

4. Helps you stay committed to regular posting

Many start out with a lot of enthusiasm in their social media strategy. But then other priorities get in the way until they aren’t posting at all or even visiting their page. Here is a great example of how not to do social media by a high-profile ice-cream brand.

5. Uninterrupted social presence

There is nothing worse than everything relying on one person. With a calendar if you are away for work for any reason (because we all know life never throws curve balls right?) another team member can keep your social media channels going.

6. You’ll sleep better – seriously

I own my work 150% and I know many of you do too. There have been far too many occasions when I’ve woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Having a plan in place will help you sleep just that little bit easier.

There are many different ways that you can create a calendar. In the spirit of low-budget non-profits operating on a shoestring budget I’ve created a free template just for you. You can download this free social media calendar template and use it straight away (It’s in Microsoft Word). (I don’t ask often at all, but if you find this a useful tool can you share it on your social networks please ;-))

** Update here is a link to a Google Drive social media calendar template that you can adapt for your own use**

Your turn

Do you schedule your social media? What are the tools that you use?


  1. I’ve been using a calendar within Basecamp. Using a calendar has helped because it can sync across my phone/tablet/desktop. It also provides me with a clear view of when posts are scheduled.

  2. I think a calendar is a great idea, especially if you have multiple people working on your social media. It can get confusing keeping track of who has posted what, but if it’s planned out, that will make it much more organized. I can definitely identify with setting up your social media and being excited about it, but then getting focused on other things, and pretty soon it’s been days (or weeks) since you have posted anything.

    Thanks for the template!

  3. Steve, this was super practical and easy to “get.” My greatest challenge has been consistently meeting with my team of volunteers to come up with ideas. I find this post to be true. The more we have planned out the better we are when “things” come up.

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