Why I Blog – And Why I Need Your Feedback Now
I’ve been blogging about communications, marketing and social media for churches since 2009. I remember starting on TypePad with no code experience and very little web design chops. I remember being so excited at finally investing my own money in this domain name and swapping over to WordPress.
Believe it or not, I hardly ever wrote up until I started blogging. I’m not a natural writer unlike some of my peers who I really respect and who really know how to write [Read Lori Bailey’s brilliant insights here]. I find the nuance of grammar particularly challenging, along with my short attention span.
Blogging was a new adventure for me. A new challenge to myself as an introvert, to get myself out there and help others. My number one goal was simply this: To help others do their job better. You may be a church Communications Director, a Pastor, Marketing Director or a non-profit leader. But the common thread of feedback that I have found out is that we all need help, work is tough enough doing it mostly on our own. work would be just that little bit easier if we knew what worked or what didn’t work in a particular field. The feeling that I get is that most of you love what you do, work isn’t work for you. But life would be better if you could get some help every now and again.
I’ve intentionally set out not to be a slick know it all expert, but just write about what I’ve tried that has worked and sometimes failed in the different areas of my work life.
But, to be honest. I’m tired. I’m more time poor than I have ever been to write at length on this blog. This year has been a real struggle to keep going on this blog (Yet, more of you have visited than ever before). Sometimes I’m not sure what you need to know and what you want to know. It feels like sometimes I’m writing and no one is reading (But then I suppose that is the challenge for every blogger isn’t it?).
Doubts about the quality of what I write and it’s usefulness creeps into my mind. Sometimes I honestly feel like chucking it in. Life would feel a whole lot simpler and easier if I could just focus on my work.
But then something remarkable happens.
I get feedback.
Someone, somewhere on this remarkable planet, who I’ve never met actually benefits from what I’ve written. And tells me.
This really lifts my spirit and spurs me on to write for just one more week.
That’s why I blog. You are the reason why I blog.
This is why I need your feedback. I know that there are literally hundred’s of you have signed up to receive my blog posts. But I never hear from you. You probably read this blog and disappear without ever commenting. You are a lurker.
If that’s you, I need your feedback. Tell me how I can help you. Don’t lurk in the background anymore. Drop a comment below please. What is it that you are burning to know? You never know, your comment may be what I write about next week.
(You really don’t know what an amazing difference you make when you connect with me on this blog or on Twitter or Facebook.)
Or you may just want to say G’day. Comment below.
I truly appreciate a lot of what I read on your blog and share it as appropriate. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Neal! That means alot. Steve
Likewise Steve – always appreciate reading what you’re doing, and what you’re thinking about, and the other great resources you share. Be encouraged brother!
Thanks Steve. Always great to hear from you and read your blog 🙂
It’s always inspiring reading your blog. You are influencing my thoughts on church communication so much … I appreciate your hard work!
Thanks Benjamin, is there anything specific I can help you with?
how do i use social media for conferences properly on separate accounts? how can i post relevant stuff even there is actually little information? how much in advance do i get active on social media in this case?
Hey Steve,
Keep up the good work.
Even though I no longer work in church IT I got an email two days ago about a blog post I did 3 years ago. Even though I’ve only blogging about 6 or 7 times a year recently, and that I’m no longer doing church IT, that indicated to me that our blogging for the Kingdom does impact beyond what we may immediately be aware of.
Keep blogging. People will be referencing you for years.
Thats good feedback Neil. Thanks Steve
Steve, I always really appreciate your posts. As someone who works in church communications in my own time as a volunteer I find your blog to be one of the most helpful. Be encouraged and stay expectant.
Thanks David, is there anything I can write that would assist you?
Hi Steve! I truly hope you keep blogging. To be honest, you’re the only blog I read word for word every time you blog, because your communications are so timely, so clean, so simple, so insightful, so helpful! You cut to the heart of the matter and dismiss all the clutter/noise so well. Things like the interview you did with Kem Meyer and giving us a heads up about Responsive Web Design were huge insights and your topics are so inspirational and keeps us on the right track. You’re a lighthouse “down under” while technology keeps changing on us. Helpful topics? You’ve covered a lot already. On my radar though might be things like… dealing with publication deadlines (especially omissions/errors by others); focus on life-changing stories instead of events, events, events; How to engage vs. blast info; How to structure a multi-campus web/publication ministry; Tools of the trade available; How to manage quality on limited time and budget; Prioritizing in a fire hydrant world… ?
Thanks Sandy, that is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. Cheers Steve
I’m not from a church organisation but I read your blogs and find them relevant to any community minded organisation. The work and first hand knowledge you put into your posts in invaluable to me. It would be a shame for you to to stop but you need to do what you feel is right for you. If you do continue writing I’d like to know what the time poor micro organisation should focus on in social media, to accelerate readership and followers.
awwww thanks honey
Hi Steve,
I only recently found your blog and I think it’s really great. I’m constantly sharing on our staff Yammer site and thinking about your ideas. Please, please don’t stop!!! 😀
I just found your blog a few months ago and, like everyone else above, I really enjoy it. Your suggestions are practical and helpful. When I read the blog on engaging scripture, I started using the ideas to change the way we post scripture on our church Facebook page. The number of people seeing the post immediately went up.
Thanks for all the great ideas!
I just came across your blog today with the help of my associate pastor who serves as my digital mentor. Reading your story encourages me as I am several years behind you and following in your footsteps. About 3 years ago now, I suggested that my church create a communications committee during our elder retreat. I volounteered to get the ad hoc committee off the ground. Our goal at the time was to simply improve synergies between different ministry teams in the church. Well, what began as a small project has blossomed into what is not called the Communications and Technology team at Saint Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Laurel Springs, New Jersey. I lead a team that manages the website, a Facebook page, and youtube videos. We also purchase computers, camcorders,etc, We still work on increasing synergies within our ministry teams but our efforts are turning more and more toward how we can help with outreach, with branding our church and its “New Thing” approach,
Through my work with this committee I am becoming increasingly interested in social media, networking and marketing. I am treating this as a ministry for now but I am interested in learning more and perhaps consulting to non-profit groups and churches. If you knew me, you would be laughing right now. I did not have a smart phone until about 18 months ago and I am still trying to figure out some of the functions. I still do not understand the value of Twitter. Facebook and Linkedin have me fascinated, though, with the sheer power that comes through connections. Our church had its annual VBS (Vacation Bible School) last week and our page reached nearly 2000 people. This page is only about two years old so I am truly amazed.
I plan on reading through as many of your blog posts as possible and I may find the answers to most of my questions there. If they are in your posts, feel free to ignore my questions. It is exciting to have a resource like you out there who has already experienced the world in the way I hope to over the coming years. Here are my questons:
Do you have any suggestions regarding how a novice, such as myself, can effectively develop a following for the groups we support?
I am so far behind the times. Do you have any suggestions for someone trying to develop their skills in this field?
G’day Steve. I’m just catching up on my blog reading after a couple of weeks annual leave. You certainly seem to have picked up a few comments on this post.
Maybe your next post should be about how to gain feedback on your blog. You seem to have cracked it. 🙂
It’s never easy to keep on writing without people leaving comments. There seems to be such a small percentage of those who visit a site that are prepared to leave a few words in response.
I’m a little late to the feedback game, but I was leading a mission trip in Czech and am just now getting around to catching up on blogs.
I know the feeling of being time poor. My blog has suffered this year as well due to that same issue. Last semester in particular I was over booked and didn’t have time to write.
So, I understand the time crunch, BUT, I do find your blog HIGHLY valuable. On top of leading my own college ministry nonprofit organization, I’m also the web and social media guy for my church, and your blog is the first place I visit when I need ideas or help taking that aspect of our communications strategy to the next level. Don’t give up now, Steve. Your blog is helping a lot of people and I believe you’re getting to a place where new opportunities will open up for you because of your blog.