17 Social Media Myths That You Must Do Everything To Avoid
I love community wisdom. We are collectively better off when we are learning and listening to one another. I especially love learning from others when it comes to my pet passion – social media.
This week I was part of the regular Church Social Media Twitter chat (follow the hashtag: #chsocm) and a great question came up ‘What are the greatest myths/falsehoods about social media & church?’ I thought the answers were so good that they were worthy of sharing with you. Check out below the 17 social media myths that you must do everything to avoid.
T1: What are the greatest myths/falsehoods about social media & church? #chsocm
— ChurchSocMed #chsocm (@chsocm) August 14, 2013
T1: Another #chsocm myth: “Let’s get a teen to run our church account; they know all about that social media stuff…” — Carolyn Clement (@singingcarolyn) August 14, 2013
T1 (one of the) greatest sm myths: that it makes people more isolated instead of connected. #chsocm — Jason Chesnut (@crazypastor) August 14, 2013
T1: Another #chsocm myth: “Let’s get a teen to run our church account; they know all about that social media stuff…” — Carolyn Clement (@singingcarolyn) August 14, 2013
T1: (one of the) Greatest #chsocm myths: That we don’t have time to engage in that.
— Carolyn Clement (@singingcarolyn) August 14, 2013
@chsocm T1: That just being on is enough, when really steady and responsive engagement is everything. #chsocm
— Dawn M Gibson (@DawnMGibson) August 14, 2013
T1 biggest myth? Anyone can do it (well). #chsocm — Steve Kenow (@skenow) August 14, 2013
T1 myth: if you build it, they will come. not enough to just have presence, need content & authentic interaction #chsocm — Regina Heater (@reckshow) August 14, 2013
T1: with all due respect to my old-school colleagues, I don’t really care how much you don’t like social media. Your people use it #chsocm
— Jonathan Conrad (@pjconrad) August 14, 2013
@chsocm Social media isn’t just another broadcast communications channel #chsocm
— Steven Fogg (@Stevefogg) August 14, 2013
T1(greatest myth): That social media is going to completely replace all other kinds of communication. #chsocm — Jason Chesnut (@crazypastor) August 14, 2013
T1: I think one could be that churches feel they need to sign up for every social media platform to gain their audience. #chsocm — Karina López (@Karina_L) August 14, 2013
T1: The biggest myth of social media & the church is that it’s trying to replace face-to-face relationships #ChSocM
— Julie (@ohxjulie) August 14, 2013
@chsocm That it will automatically attract young people. #chsocm
— Phillip Blackburn (@revpblack) August 14, 2013
T1 Biggest myth is you have to be on every social media platform that rolls out. #chsocm — Dan Webster (@RevWeb) August 14, 2013
Greatest myths/falsehoods about social media & church? That you can’t/shouldn’t tweet during church. Ha! http://t.co/bkLDcBQO7K KH #chsocm — ChurchMarketingSucks (@cmsucks) August 14, 2013
T1: (one of the) Greatest #chsocm myths: That those who use sm in church are being disrespectful & frivolous.
— Carolyn Clement (@singingcarolyn) August 14, 2013
T1 myth: if you build it, they will come. not enough to just have presence, need content & authentic interaction #chsocm
— Regina Heater (@reckshow) August 14, 2013
Your turn
Agree? Disagree? What myths have you seen in social media? Comment below!
Myth: It’s just a fad.
Good one Caleb! Thanks for contributing
Thanks for sharing these! If your readers want to check out the full #chscom chat transcript, it can be found here: http://churchsocmed.blogspot.com/2013/08/church-social-media-chat-81313-myths.html
Better yet, all are welcome to join in the conversation, every Tuesday at 9pmET, following the hashtag #chsocm. It’s a friendly group, with newcomers arriving weekly, and lots of great ideas shared.
Hope to see you there.