46 Brilliant Crowd Sourced Posting Ideas For Social Media


I recently did some social media seminars for churches in England and with Willow Creek Australia down under. (Loved doing them!) One of the coolest things I did was to have the attendees to brainstorm the different kinds of posts their church could share their story on their own social media presence.

Here is the list of 46 ideas that they developed. Some are raw, but there are many in there that I’m going to try out myself:

1. Promote Events
2. Recap Speaking
3. Daily scripture (See my post on how we do it here)
4. Church groups – boys brigade, luncheon club – seniors, mother and toddlers, alpha course, life groups
5. Café
6. Bookshop
7. Street pastors
8. Sermon quote
9. Missions trip, encourage churches, English lessons
10. Promote e-news sign-up
11. Care-home visit, serve a meal, volunteers
12. Prayer requests
13. Feedback
14. Community work
15. Testimonies
16. Ethical shopping, recycling, Christian life
17. Local hobbies
18. Current community conversation
19. Responding to significant event, topical issues
20. Humour
21. Liking what other local community pages are doing
22. Asking questions
23. Renovation updates
24. Courses
25. Prayer for church leaders
26. Suggestions
27. Requests for pastoral visits
28. Milestones, anniversary
29. Compassion appeals
30. Bio for new staff
31. Everyday Hero’s – celebrate people
32. Paying tribute to people who pass away
33. Church anniversary
34. Photos of kids handwriting to God/Artwork
35. Picture of historical church
36. Create your own media eg videos
37. Church camp
38. Top 5 points from todays sermon
39. Favourite memory – ask question
40. Time for a leadership spill? Cultural relevance (politics in Australia)
41. Either or question
42. Dodgeball – different rules
43. Music question?
44. Volunteers opportunities
45. Staff profiles
46. Church growth

Still here? Check out my own post on the 11 imaginative ways you can use social media for your church

You Turn

What posting ideas do you have? Comment now and add your ideas in below.


  1. Steve, this is great. This is the real practical type of content that I believe many find helpful. It’s basically a creative team for those without the resources of a creative team.

    I would love it if you would post some followup on the ones you use and how you used them. That is the real gold!

    Thanks for taking the time and putting in the effort to collect this list and make it available here. Much love!

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