The Top 10 Outstanding Social Media Tips I’ve Seen This Week


I don’t think I’ve got it all together when it comes to social media. I love to learn from others. A lot of what I share with you comes from those who share their social media tips with me. Here are ten of the best tips I’ve read up on social media in the last week.

1. How To Maximise Your Facebook Engagement With Pictures – I particularly love No. 5, great for churches coming up to Christmas.

2. Live content creation from Oreo – while this idea isn’t new it is a brilliant way to engage people who aren’t attending your event or comment about a broader event going on in your national culture. Hillsong do this particularly well during their conference here in Australia for their conference.

3. Three must have behaviours for social media success – Justin Wise is insightful as ever about all things social. (You should also check out his new digital course).

4. Three tips for creating compelling content – Klout have written some great ideas here about the difference between boring content and content that compels engagement.

5. Tune into to the latest #chsocm church social media chat. Some great ideas bubble up every week. I lurk around this chat in different weeks, commitments depending. Meredith Gould posts a weekly transcript so you can catch up if you miss it. The tip is to tune in. It’s really worth it!

6. Scheduling your Facebook posts now just got easier. While this part isn’t a tip exactly, just an improvement. But the lesson is to schedule inside Facebook, not from an external app. You will seen by more people. More people can mean higher engagement.

7. The three most important pieces of advice for anyone starting out on social media – Again, some great community wisdom here on Klout. I’m not sure if you have to sign into Klout to see it, but it is worth it. (PS. Let me know what you think on my 3 tips on there)

8. Mind the missing strategy gap. I wrote about this missed opportunity a while ago. It should be such a no brainer, but most people miss it. I still wonder about what opportunities I’m missing. Do you in what you are doing?

9. 5 Facebook posts that spark massive engagement. Amy Porterfield rocks. She really, REALLY gets Facebook. I’ve used many of her tips in the past and they have always worked. Including these five.

10. Stop over promoting! Love this tip and the many others tips for nonprofit and church leaders from Phil Cooke. Phil always hits the nail on the head.

How about you? What tips have you seen this week that are worth sharing? Drop a tip or link to a social media tip below now. (PS there are a few more previous posts of mine below in the related posts section chocked full of goodness)



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