Our Easter Promo Video For 2014
Creating Easter videos for church is such a challenge and joy. Crossway’s Easter presentation this year is called ‘RED’. Our challenge was to create a trailer that will invoke interest and preview the essence of the Easter story from the presentation. For some, Easter is a heavy and for somber time. We wanted to catch the gravitas and drama of the time without it being depressing or overbearing.
Just a tip, the sound scape that Julz created is fantastic and I recommend you turn up your volume really loud.
Creative Direction: Steven Fogg
D.O.P and Editor: Liam Spicer
Music sound scape: Julz Ham
We have also created a splash page with all of the details for the presentations. Check it out here.
Your turn
What do you think? Drop a link to any Easter promo videos you like. Comment below.