Bite-Sized Communication tips: Episode One

Bite-Sized Communication tips

I’m piloting a new idea this week. Each week I’m going to answer one question and post a short reply via video on a Wednesday (my time). It will be short and sweet. To the point. You could say bite-sized! There will be no fancy ‘in-video’ graphics or sales funnel asking you to buy something later. Just me answering your questions about marketing, strategy, communication, social media or web.

If you like this, let me know and I’ll continue to do it. If not, that’s cool. I do like the idea as it does save me time and I can talk quicker than I can type.

Now I know you are busy, that is why I’ve kept it to one question and kept my answer as brief as possible. So this video won’t take up much of your time, but I hope the outcome will help you in what you do.

Today’s question is ‘Of all the social media channels, which is the most effective channel to start out on for the church?’

Bite size communication tips: Episode 1 from SteveFogg on Vimeo.

The link I mentioned in the video:

Social Media: To Schedule or Not?

Your turn

Write your question below below. It can be around marketing, social media, web strategy, communications strategy… pretty much anything goes. Well, not everything, but you get the picture.

I’d also appreciate a shout out on social media if you think it’s worth sharing.

1 comment

  1. Great Idea!
    1. Social Media, whats the best way to deal/manage/brand control with multiple campuses and multiple cities and multi cultures.

    2. When should you have a central page/instagram that covers one city and when should you breakaway into the campuses. Does size or resources make that decision?

    for Insta… we have multiple cities, we have one per city and we also have a “global” profile that we use to repost main instas into from the cities.


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