Bite-Sized Communication tips: Episode Two

Bite-Sized Communication tips

Welcome to episode two of my one minute bite-sized communications tips (It blew out to three minutes today – whoops). Today I talk about one of the common mistakes churches and non-profits make on social media. 

In episode one I said that the aim here is to give you a quick tip that you can apply immediately to your context. It’s the same again this week.

Bite-Size Communication Tips: Episode 2 from SteveFogg on Vimeo.

Key thought from the video: The key to productivity is doing the right things at the right time versus everything all the time.

Check out my Social media content calendar I mentioned in the video on my blog post ‘6 Reasons Why Your Church Needs A Social Media Calendar [with a free template]‘ that you can adapt for yourself.

As I was talking about a very common mistake in the video it reminded me of a previous post ’22 Common Mistakes Most Churches & Non-Profits Make On Social Media’.

Your turn

Write your question below and I’ll answer some of them in future episodes. It can be around marketing, social media, web strategy, communications strategy… pretty much anything goes. Well, not everything, but you get the picture.

I’d also appreciate a shout out on social media if you think it’s worth sharing.

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