Bite-Sized Communication tips: Episode Three
Welcome to episode three of my bite-sized communications tips (It blew again today – so its a few bites now). Today I answer one of your questions about social media.
This weeks question from Ron Woodbine after episode one.
‘What’s the best way to deal/manage/brand control with multiple campuses and multiple cities and multi cultures?’
Bite-Sized Communications tips: Episode 3 from SteveFogg on Vimeo. (Excuse the lack of editing at the start. I thought I had edited it out.)
While I was answering Ron’s question I thought this might be relevant ’22 Common Mistakes Most Churches & Non-Profits Make On Social Media’.
Your turn
Write your question below and I’ll answer some of them in future episodes. It can be around marketing, social media, web strategy, communications strategy… pretty much anything goes. Well, not everything, but you get the picture.
I’d also appreciate a shout out on social media if you think it’s worth sharing.