Introducing Church Communications Twitter Chat
I’m very excited to announce that I will be hosting a weekly Twitter chat for Church Marketing Sucks called #cmschat.
Ever since I’ve been on the church communications scene I’ve had a burden (I can’t think of any other way to explain it) to share what I’ve learnt with peers from within the online community. It started out with this blog and the encouragement of the team from Church Marketing Sucks at the time. Now I’m excited about entering into this new phase to help others in their vocation (Check out my post introducing the chat on Church Marketing Sucks).
Specifically we will be in these broad areas (But not exclusively):
- graphic design;
- web design;
- public relations;
- photography;
- branding;
- marketing;
- communications;
- social media;
- illustration;
- animation
- video; and
- writing.
We will be also covering broader topics like self-development, self-care, preparing for Christmas/Easter and many more. Now if you have a suggestion about what you would like to see us chat about, drop a comment below. We don’t claim to be the experts at what we need to talk about. We’d love to hear from those working in church comms about what we need to chat about.
(There is already a great weekly church social media Twitter chat #chsocm which I attend and highly recommend)
Who’s it for?
Anyone who has an opinion and wants to improve at what they do in church marketing and communications.
The details
When: Every Thursday (starting Feb. 12) Time: 9 p.m. Eastern | 8 p.m. Central | 6 p.m. Pacific | 1 p.m. (Friday) Australia (yes, we’re international)
We’ll use the hashtag #cmschat.
After every chat a transcript will be posted so you can go back and find that brilliant tweet.
Can I ask a favour?
I don’t call in favours much, but I’d love to spread the word far and wide. If you are on Twitter can you please hit the button below to share with your circle of influence?
[Tweet “Check out the awesome twitter #cmschat for church comms peeps “]
Also I am REALLY keen to get your input into the topics. We want to make this super useful/helpful/practical for you. Comment below.
So glad you and CMS are making this happen. I love social networking platforms, but there’s so much more to church communications. I’d say most of the bloopers and outright social media failures I’ve observed over the years can be directly traced back to lack of awareness, education, and training in strategy development, branding, design, UX, and content development. I believe #cmschat will provide a forum to discuss these essentials.
On a personal note, I’m delighted you’ve chosen Thursday night because as adroit as I am on Tweetdeck, I’m already trying to attend overlapping #chsocm (church social media) and #hcldr (healthcare leader) chats on Tuesday!
So pleased that you are on board Meredith!