Free Photo Release Form Template For Churches


I was asked on this week’s #CHSOCM Twitter Chat to share the photo release form we use for our church. As I know this blog reaches many different countries you will need to check with your own legal eagle to find out the legality for your own jurisdiction if you download this template.

Every communications team needs a template similar to this. If you are taking photos of your congregation in any environment you need to get their agreement to republish their image. There are very strong privacy legal principles around protecting your community. You can land yourself in very hot legal water by not covering yourself. Even if the person said yes at the time, people can forget, fall out, change their mind.

A photo release form may protect you and your church from potential legal action.

The template is editable and was created in Microsoft Word. Download the free photo release template for churches here. Remember to check with your lawyers!


  1. Going through this now at my church. Folks think its not necessary…or a general statement somewhere is good enough…

    1. A general sign on entry to a service can be enough, again it may change legally in different countries, but I know in Australia that is okay. This release is normally used when you are using specific people for smaller group shots

  2. Hi Steve,
    Similar to other’s, I click on the “free template” image above, and it takes me to the same image, not a photo release. I’m on a mac. Would love it via email if you have the time. Thanks!

  3. Hi Steve,
    I am not getting the release form either. Did not see ‘Download the free photo release template for churches here. Would love to have a copy of the template.
    I am on a pc. Peace and Blessings.

  4. Thank you so much for this form. I was able to adapt it for our homeschool co-op. Many of the ones I found were for professional photographers and did not cover what I hoped to cover (social media, Internet, etc.). You may want to add homeschool to your tags.

  5. Do you have an example of what the general statement should say? Our pastor wants a sign in our entry-way because she knows it is impossible to gain permission from EVERY person who enters our sanctuary at any given time and we use lots of photographs on our Facebook pages and website.

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