7 Of The Best Church Websites This Easter


Every Easter I love searching around different church websites looking for the best designs and functionality. This year there are some beautiful church websites specifically developed for this profound season.

Each website design is so different. Some are dark and brooding. Some are full of hope.  But I didn’t select some of them just for the design, some of them have fantastic functionality. Click on the images and check them out.

City On A Hill Church


Dark, moody. This website is so classy. The video is uniquely Australian and very beautifully shot with some great social share-ability.

Crossway Church


Our site is very retro and the team have done a great job. I love the intrigue in the video. We also introduced a themed e-vite and social sharing tools.

Fellowship Church


NewSpring Church


 Park Community Church


I loved the branding that Park Community Church had.

Saddleback Church


Sandals Church


This site tells the whole Easter story by reflecting the mood through it’s colour palette. Amazing.

I know some people are looking for last minute inspiration. See more church websites at Easter here.

Your Turn

I know I’ve only just scratched the surface and I’m sure there are heaps of great church websites that have some awesome Easter treatment. Drop a link below tell me why you think it rocks.


  1. Hey Steve,

    Thanks for sharing these Easter pages. I’m the designer for my Church, Pantano Christian Church, and your examples of other church Easter web pages has given me inspiration/ideas for when I design our next year Easter’s page.

    I thought how http://www.crossway.org.au/easter2015/ organized the content on their page was very well done. Also their call-to-action at the bottom of their page was a plus.


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