7 Social Media Tips That Will Rapidly Grow Your Platform


I’ve been a passionate advocate for churches to embrace social media for a few years now. More broadly than just churches, people often ask me how they can grow their platform on social media. I thought I would dedicate some time to that today.

These tips will also work for churches too, I’ve just tried to be a bit broader in the application. Here are the seven social media tips that will rapidly grow your platform.

1. Pay to play

I’ve said it before, the social media networks are maturing. They are now looking for a return on their initial investment and to reach new audiences you can pay to reach them. Even if you are on a modest budget you can start to grow your platform. If you are on Facebook try promoting your page to friends of friends this is a great way to start as many may of heard of you already and your uptake will be high.

Another great way to grow your reach is to use your email list and target new likes by email. This way you reach people who have a connection with you but may not be following you on social media.

2.  Video reaches more people

There is a battle going on at the moment between Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. They all want to own internet social video. Facebook for instance is allowing you to reach more people with video and not limiting as much as they are with posts or picture posts. Use it while you can.

3. Post often and regularly

It feels like every other month I repeat this mantra. Post often and be consistent. Not only do your audience want to hear from you, also on some social media platforms such as Facebook you rank higher and you reach more people if you do.

If you need help try scheduling your posts (Read this post more on scheduling your social media). Not only is scheduling an efficient use of your time, you can also see at a glance your week on that channel as you work through your schedule.

4. Ask for help

There is nothing like the power of the ask. As long you don’t do it all the time. Encourage your community to spread the word for you. Some examples are: ‘Please share this post’ ‘Tag a friend who needs to know’ ‘Comment below’ are just a few ways.

5. Use email

If you have an email subscriber base there is nothing wrong with pointing them to a post. Just make sure if feels natural in the context of the email you are sending. Depending on what you say you can grow your likes through people who haven’t followed you yet, or you can ask them to spread the word on a particular post if it is really important.

6. Realise it’s not about you

Social media isn’t just a broadcast channel, although some treat it like that. Engage, comment and reply to people who have taken the time to connect with you on social media. If you are a church leader read some tips I’ve created just for you here. These tips can also apply if you are in business and are personally branding your business around a key person.

7. Leverage your community

Your community is your best asset.  Leverage them and get them to spread the word for you. Sometimes it will still be through your official channel like on this photo booth social media tactic I’ve developed. You can reach tonnes of people with this approach.

Other times you can encourage them to share their own experience or check-in. Our volunteers who serve at church here share their experience all the time on their own social channels. It’s brilliant to see.

(Want more? Check out another post I wrote at the start of the year of the trends I see coming in 2015. Top 7 Social Media Trends For Churches And Non-Profits In 2015.)

Your turn

What ideas or strategies have worked well for you in growing your platform? Got questions or queries? Comment below. I always answer your questions.

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