7 lessons I’ve Learnt Leading Social Media For My Church
I’ve been leading social media at my church now for over six or so years. I’ve learnt so many great lessons along the way. Some have been positive, some tougher.
As I write this I’m currently flying at 33,000ft returning to Melbourne from Queensland after speaking about the potential of social media to a few hundred church leaders. So I have a few hours to kill (and no WiFi distractions) so I thought would write and share some of the lessons what I’ve learnt along the way.
Lesson #1: Keep Experimenting
There is no such thing as a winning formula that will last indefinitely. We have to keep trying and experimenting with new tactics. Some like this one can work really well.
Lesson #2: You’ve Never Arrived
Never ever think you know everything. Always be teachable and keep your eyes open. Someone somewhere is using social media far better than you. Only yesterday I sat with a team that have a better content development process than I do.
Lesson #3: Keep Your Eyes Open
Social media is rapidly changing. Every week new features are released, social platforms know that they need to find new ways to stay in at the forefront of their audiences minds.
Lesson #4: Be A Continuous Learner
I’m always looking at different ways to up skill. You never know what nuggets you will find in seminars and course you may participate in. To stay sharp and at the top of your game keep your eyes open to different learning opportunities.
Lesson #5. Stay Positive
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Become bored with routine. I’m not a manager by nature. I’m an entrepreneur at heart so routine can be draining for me on some levels. I find a great way to keep my focus and lift my positivity is by reviewing our social media insights and analytics and celebrating the wins.
Lesson #6: Keep Demonstrating Value
Some senior leaders have a very positive attitude and knowledge about the potential of social media for churches. Some don’t use it so much and don’t understand the value it has to offer. Develop a routine where you can lead up and regularly report how social media is extending the reach of your church. Education of your senior leadership is key to demonstrating value to your church.
Lesson #7: Build A Team
Building a team is essential to the long-term sustainability of your church’s presence. Keep your eyes open for smart, social media savvy types who can help you curate content. Also be intentional about building your content development team with designers, photographers and writers.
Lesson #8: Work Smart (Bonus)
Social media can be consuming if you let it. It’s a 24/7 moving platform that is hungry for content and your time. You have to work smart and plan ahead. I would also recommend that you schedule your content (read this). I would also recommend you create a social media calendar too (read more here).
A while back I asked six social media managers who manage some of the biggest Christian non-profits eighteen mistakes to avoid. Essentially what they had learnt. Well worth a read here.
Lesson #9: Learn from your mistakes (Bonus)
As I was linking a few posts to this one I found an older post which is still true today. 22 Common Mistakes Most Churches & Non-Profits Make On Social Media.
Your Turn
Are you involved in social media? What lessons have you learnt? Comment below.
Thanks for sharing these Steve. I’d add “Check your heart.” The Lord knows our motivations, but these can be easily distorted and difficult to discern as we share on social media. May God give us grace to serve Him, and desire His glory alone.
That’s great! Thanks Steve
Spend time analyzing replies, shares and likes. What do these tell you about your audience members, their cultural connectivity, causes and needs? Are these people representative of those in your church, and can the data be generalized to the broader congregation? Let’s call this the #zaccheusprinciple (I always appreciated his tenacity to see And meet Christ.)