Facebook Live: What Church Leaders Need To Know


I made a prediction at the start of 2016 about social media trends that would emerge. Some will come to fruition. Some won’t (Read all six predictions here).

One of the predictions I made was about Facebook Live. What I didn’t expect was for Facebook Live to be rolled out so quickly. 

Some of you are like, what is Facebook Live?

Well Facebook Live lets you connect live to your audience by sharing real-time video of what you are seeing and doing. People can comment while you are live. It’s kinda like Periscope. Except there is no friction. No new apps. It is right there already.

Why is this is huge? It’s huge because you are communicating live on the social media platform that the vast majority of people actually use. Trust me, it is a much smaller minority that live on Periscope. Periscope is actually optimistically at 10 million users compared to over one billion active users on Facebook every day. Get the picture?

While the Facebook page I manage for my church doesn’t have it (yet) my personal profile has it. 

Facebook Live has the same potential that periscope has for church leaders and communicators. (Read here about the 11 smart ways you can use Periscope that are equally applicable to Facebook Live so I won’t repeat them. Just read it and apply it).

How to use Facebook Live

Step #1

Open Facebook and update your status. If you have the live option (It’s not on all phones yet) you can see it below.


Step #2

Write an interesting subject for your broadcast and invite people to comment. Make sure that you have a good quietish space to be able to speak into the camera.


Step #3

Go live! Make sure you look at the camera, not the screen. It will help you connect with your audience. And interact with your audience as they ask questions.

It’s very simple and you can get going straight away!

Here is my first test on Facebook Live below with a few thoughts about its usage. Warning: I didn’t do any hair or makeup for this 😉

Testing out new live broadcasting feature

Posted by Steven Fogg on Saturday, 13 February 2016

Further reading

My Prediction for Social media trends in 2016

11 Smart Ways You Can Leverage Periscope For Your Church

Your turn

Got questions, tips anything else to share about Facebook Live? Comment below.

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