9 Of The Best Communication Tips For Churches
From time to time I share a few of the best tips for churches that I find from communications blogs I subscribe to. I’ve chosen some tips I think that will really add value for your day-to-day work at your church.
Here are nine really insightful tips that will help you in your church communications (there are 46 from earlier post at the bottom too):
1. Snapchat is the new black. Jump on in
Remember when everyone was jumping on Instagram and Pinterest for the first time? Well Snapchat is the new black. Here is a great article that makes the case for why your church should be on snapchat. Read more here.
2. How to rebrand a ministry the right way
Every church communications person I know have been through this experience. Darrel shares some great ideas here on how to brand your ministry. Listen to Darrel’s podcast here. I’ve also written about branding for churches. Here is my whole library of posts.
3. It’s all about the why
You’ll need to sign up for this one (it’s free) and it’s well worth a watch. See it here. It’s seriously great. Why? Because Kem Meyer is speaking. I don’t need to say any more.
4. Your website is the front porch to your church. How good is it?
I host a weekly Twitter chat called #cmschat for Church Marketing Sucks. It is especially for those of you who want to improve your church communications (and it’s free with experts in the trenches). Here is a recent #cmschat where a I gathered a few experts to talk about how to improve your church website. The replay is well worth a watch here.
5. How to communicate authentically and reach more people through Facebook Live
Facebook Live is the best opportunity currently to reach more people and create more impact on social media. Find out some of the best and practical tips here on how to get the most out of it. Read more here.
6. How to leverage SEO to reach more people online
SEO is one of the most underrated ways of helping your church reach people in the digital search space. Read more here on some of the best practices your church can implement to reach more people and get higher in those golden search results.
7. How to make boring subject matter interesting
Ever feel uninspired when writing on a subject that doesn’t interest you.That never happens in church world does it? 🙂 Learn how to make even the most mundane sound interesting. Read more here.
8. Get a social media strategy (Yes for small churches too)
Brady shares some excellent pointers that will improve your social media strategy. Even smaller churches with fewer resources will get so much out of this very extensive post. Read more here.
9. It’s not just social. Think digital.
I’ve said time and time again when you think about your church website and social media you have to think about the whole digital journey. It also includes offline too. I wrote a free e-book especially for church leaders and communication pros who want to increase their reach, impact and effectiveness on digital. It is a simple step by step strategy that will take your digital strategy to a new level. Read more here.
If you want more tips there are 46 more tips and ideas that will improve your church communications here.
Your turn
Got a communications tip, or read an insightful article recently? Or wrestling with a communications question? Leave a comment below.
I think it’s important to build a team around you with different talents in communications. These could be just two or three volunteers. Maybe one is great at Twitter, or one is great at proofreading. Use people’s talents in ways that can help build your church and represent Jesus with excellence.
Love this!
Thanks Steve! Great post! I guess I’m going to have to get on this Snapchat thing before I get left behind.
Steve, thanks for the great tips! Regarding the article about SEO, I would add the importance of performing proper keyword research as the first step before implementing any SEO. Knowing how many searches specific keywords receive and how competitive certain keywords are, is important to know. This way you don’t waste time optimizing for keywords that don’t receive any traffic. It also helps set proper ranking expectations if you are targeting keywords that are extremely competitive. Keep up the great content!
Really good extra input there Mark! What do you use to find the often searched ones? Do you use Google webmaster?
Steve, we use a combination of Google AdWords planner, Google Analytics and Moz.
These are all really great things a church can do to seem more inviting to the community by increasing their online presence. I really like the idea of making a Facebook page and a personalized website. However, I think it is still important not to overlook the physical presence of the church. One thing that I always notice when I drive past a church is their sign. I get interested by the ones with positive messages, rather the ones that seem to alienate non-members. I think the right message can get people interested in learning more.