Podcast Episode No 3 – Interview Kem Meyer (Less Chaos. Less Noise. Book Giveaway)


I loved catching up again with Church Communications Jedi Master – Kem Meyer. I’ve known Kem for over 10 years. She is a wise leader who has a bucket load of experience in the trenches of church communications.

Show notes

I actually had a whole series of questions for Kem in this podcast, we really only got past the first one so I’ll definitelyย need to get Kem back to share more of her insight at a future date.

Kem’s free ebook –ย Smart Communications Essential List: 25 Ways to Start Free & Start Now

Kem’s blog

Buy Kem’s book here

As I said in the podcast, I’m giving away two copies of ‘Less Chaos. Less Noise.’ from my own wallet. This isn’t some marketing tactic from the publishers. I just love getting really useful books like Kem’s into the right people’s hands. I haven’t included any affiliate links to buy the book either ๐Ÿ˜‰

How to be in the running to receive one of the books
  1. Share this page on the social media channel of your choice. Choose one of the icons below. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Leave a comment below and tell me why you want this book. It needs to be good!

The two winners will be announced on Monday 8th August (AEST time). I will update the post here to share their names.

***** Winners randomly chosen by blind pick are Robert and Sean O’Driscoll, congrats fellas I’ll email you *****


  1. I DON’T want this book and let me explain why! Now that I have your attention, The reason I DO want this book is to help serve my church to the best ability that I can. I truly believe knowledge is power, and one place knowledge comes from is books.

    If I win one of the copies of “Less Chaos. Less Noise.,” I promise to use that power/knowledge for GOOD, only. Not solely will I read it, but I will also share it with others at my church too so others can gain this power.

    To be honest, if I don’t win, I still plan on buying this book so one way or another I will be reading her new book soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Good day Steve:

    I’d love to win one of Kem’s books so that I can share this amazing tool with my church’s marketing and communications department MARCOM. Working in the more technical, business-oriented side of a church you learn quickly that communication is key. Working for a church period you learn it is human nature to assume a good bit so, you guessed it, communication is key!

    I believe at Free Chapel we have communication within departments and ministries down quite well. It’s the communication with other departments and ministries as well as communication to the members and new members that we need the most growth.

    Thanks as always for the wealth of information you share with us!

    Jeff Shinn
    Software Engineer
    Free Chapel

  3. I hope this book will help our church communicate God’s love better. Loved the tips from just this short podcast – thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. this form layout did not work well in Chrome – I had to check the html code to see where to put the email address!

  4. Why do I want to win this book? Two words – TIME TRAVEL!

    At the end of you post, you stated, “The two winners will be announced on Monday 8th July (AEST time).” It seems highly unlikely that you will wait until Monday, July 8, 2019 (the next year in which July 8 falls on a Monday) to announce the winners, so I think can safely assume that you plan on using time travel to go back to 2013 to deliver the book.

    Armed with the insights and information contained within it’s pages, I plan on becoming a church communications guru. I will start a blog, maybe a podcast. I’ll write books, speak at conferences, and share my “visionary” ideas with the world ushering in new era of evangelization and a spreading of the gospel message like never before!

    Or – more likely – it will go on the increasingly large pile of books in my library that I have yet to read. I will slowly work through that literary stockpile, as time moves ever forward eventually reaching today’s date. I will see this post, listen to the podcast, and pick up Kem’s book from the pile to begin reading.

    And as I read, I will keep thinking to myself, “I wish I had more time…”

  5. I broke the spine on Less Clutter. Less Noise. Though we are a long way from perfectly concise, we are now using portions of the book to orient new hires on our church staff. It changed the way we look at and utilize our channels of communication and played a big role in revamping our website and creating a new publication. I’m so excited that I now have the opportunity to pick up a few more scraps from the table of Kem’s Communications Feast. Thank you Steve for having her on – I look forward to you addressing the rest of the Post-it’s in a future podcast.

  6. I need this book because it’s free and I love free stuff ๐Ÿ™‚
    Seriously though, having listened to the podcast I reckon this will help us fashion our communications here at our Church so it is less reactionary, but more strategic and more engaging than it currently is. Kem sounds like she has a lot of experience in Church contexts but she also shoots straight, which is refreshing. Looking forward to more if you can wrangle it.

  7. Great podcast Steve! I learnt so much from just 30 minutes. The most helpful thing was hearing how beneficial it would be to make space in my schedule for interactions and relationship-building with people.

    I would love to read Kem’s book and find out what other brilliant wisdom she has to share!

  8. Hey, Steve โ€“ I am a huge fan of Kem Meyer. I read her first book when it came out and underlined, circled, and flagged many pages. I donโ€™t work in church communications (although I hope to somedayโ€ฆ) but I use many of her concepts and ideas in my communications job at a local credit union. One day I will buy her new book and will write all over it, put stickies on pages, and use it well. ๐Ÿ™‚

    By the way โ€“ and Iโ€™m sincere here โ€“ I enjoy reading what you write, too! Good stuff!

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