14 Great Ways To Use Instagram For Your Church


Instagram is a great social media platform for your church. It is a simple, yet effective visual way to get your message out. If you haven’t signed up yet, I’d encourage you to do so.

The platform itself has undergone many changes over the last year with business accounts being introduced, Instagram Stories launching (read my post about how to get the most out of it here) and video becoming more available with the length of the post time increased.

From time to time I love to share with you how churches are telling their unique story. Here are some great ideas that I think most churches can use, including yours! I hope you come away with new ways to tell your own unique story.

1. Celebrate volunteers

Thanks Chris and Andy for greeting at 11:11! We appreciate all that you do. We love our volunteers!

A photo posted by Brentwood Baptist (@brentwoodbaptist) on

2. Leverage popular #hashtags

In case you were wondering, Pokemon are indeed hiding around our building! #Pokemon #PokemonGo

A photo posted by Willow Creek Community Church (@willowcreekcc) on

3. Quote Scripture

Grace wonderful Grace. Love everlasting

A photo posted by Crossway Church (@crosswaychurch) on

4. Show Your Worship

5. Have fun & and invite people into community

6. Show community in action

7. Promote your church online

8. Resharing volunteers posts shows that you care!

9. Retell the story of sacred moments

He is the ultimate sacrifice.

A photo posted by North Point Community Church (@northpointcommunitychurch) on

You are forgiven. #WhyLent #Forgiven #Jesus #Faith #Love

A photo posted by HTB Church (@htbchurch) on

10. Celebrate cultural landmarks

Stars and Stripes. Happy Birthday America! #4thofJuly #Happy4th

A photo posted by North Point Community Church (@northpointcommunitychurch) on

11. Preview to potential visitors what your services are like

Christ is enough – We have decided to follow #Jesus!

A video posted by Crossway Church (@crosswaychurch) on

Amazing Sunday across all our locations! #citipointe #YOUbelonghere

A photo posted by Citipointe Church (@citipointe) on

12. Highlight upcoming speakers

13. Celebrate community

Summer nights at LIFE Church 🙌🏻 #mychurchmyhome

A photo posted by LIFE Church, UK (@lifechurchhome) on

14. Multi campus? Share all the stories

Full house at #manningham #easter2016 #risenking

A photo posted by CityLife Church (@citylifeau) on

While many new features have come on stream like video and Instagram Stories (Read more here). The key to being on Instagram is still to have great photos (or video) and tell a great story, rather than just push a message.

Your Turn

If you have more ideas, I’d love to hear from you. Also feel free to drop your churches URL in the comments so I can check you out.


  1. This post has been a bit of an eye-opener – thanks Steve!

    We’ve been using our Instagram to promote new upcoming sermon series (way to use Instagram number 15!) and to quote memorable lines from sermons (number 16!) as a reminder to the church in the week. There’s so much more potential though – with a bit more planning we could start regularly posting excellent photography too.

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