Why Your Church Needs Mobile Giving

Mobile Giving For Churches

Mobile giving is here already. Many churches already use it. Some of you may be thinking, why are you only writing about this subject now?

To be honest I’ve held off because I think that the broader culture hasn’t owned it in terms of adoption. Until now.

Before I dive in, this isn’t a post about the technical aspects of mobile giving, but rather it is designed to help you lead up and make it even easier for your community to give. Now back to the topic.

In Australia, Apple Pay has been out for some time, I’m sure it may have been out even longer where you may be reading this from. But even a digital disruptive Goliath like Apple is struggling to change how we pay for our groceries.

Tap and pay or PayWave as we call it here in Australia is still the number one method of most small payments.

At the heart of the adoption issue for mobile here is a lack of trust and security. We may trust Apple to keep our passcodes and fingerprints on our phone to open our devices and make very small app payments, but when it comes to larger amounts of money we are much more cautious about sharing very sensitive data.

That is slowly changing. But it will take some time.

Some may be asking, what does that have to do with mobile giving?

The issue is the same, it all has to do again with trust and change. Most people I know aren’t used to giving through their phone. They are very happy to give cash, share their credit card number or pay through the internet.

I actually think that any church that adopts mobile giving now as a giving option is tapping into a brilliant strategy.

Firstly because there are so many casual givers in churches who don’t come prepared but switching them over through mobile giving, you will help some of them become faithful regular givers. You will need to be intentional in doing it if you adopt this strategy and include your whole congregation during a Sunday service. Don’t just put the text number up on the screen and expect people to switch. If you want people to change, you have to lead it.

Another advantage I think mobile giving has is that you can someone can give in a moment where they feel compelled to respond and it is very simple for most people to do it.

I think that mobile giving is taking off. In a few years time, it will become just another way to give.

If you do adopt mobile giving as a strategy then you should reinforce these two key messages.

1 It’s safe – People will need educating to build their trust around this method of giving. They need to be reassured that it is completely ‘secure and safe’

2 It’s quick – People love convenience. If it’s too hard to change then they won’t. Show them how quickly you can give. Demonstrate it in your service.

4 Mobile Giving Options

E-Church (Pushpay)

echurch, giving, church


mogiv giving church


Kindrid, giving, church


Tithely, church, giving

Each giving solution has some advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose one that suits your needs. They all have great videos that explain how simple they are to use and set up which will help inform your choice.

Your Turn

Have you used mobile giving? What tips would you share to increase adoption. What key messages do you think church leaders should share? Comment below.


  1. as someone who has worked in not for profit and church online communications ive been able to try some of these out.

    tithely has been great and is getting better

    pushpay is good but a little more pricey i found

    donorbox is also good and worth looking at

  2. How about Givelify? No up-front or monthly fees. (Disclosure: I’m the director of digital marketing).

    Our member churches that have achieved the greatest success all have one thing in common: buy-in from the pastor and staff. When the pastor says “I’m pulling out my phone and doing my offering,” that goes a long way toward increasing adoption.

  3. Hi – we’re trying to find a suitable UK platform that deals with GiftAid and has great UX and low barrier to entry (i.e. doesn’t need a new user account, can use social sign in or similar)… Anyone got a recommendation?

    1. I’m not sure that I know of any that have that Jon. Gift Aid would simply be an add on tick box, but most mobile off-the-shelf giving solutions don’t have that flexibility.

      Sounds like a business opportunity to me!

      As far as social sign in goes, when it comes to finance I would recommend a higher bar which most solutions already have built in. As it is to do with money they are much more cautious when it comes to recurring giving.

  4. Hey Steve! Take a look at our product too when you get a sec. It would be great to be included in the lineup.

    As far as I know we were the original text giving option out there, built from a personal need realized at my church. 4 years later, we’re still innovating and building the best product we can for our customers.

    Great article!

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